
Our protective packaging systems for the production and processing of steel and metals have been developed for the ultimate security of the load in production, processing, transport and storage. Depending on its specificity - hot and cold rolled coils, sheet metal, blocks of zinc, lead, aluminum or copper, rolled wire, fittings and profiles for construction and also other metals - we offer metal or non-metal band, protective corners, film, and a wide range of machines (automatic and manual) for laying and packing.

Depending on the specifics of the production, our experts offer an integral solution for packing your output. Our company has been focused on the needs of the production of metals. For many years we have been working with our partners in the industry to provide suitable packaging systems, that ensure a high level of productivity and reduce production costs.

PACKIN is structured to provide an effective response to the needs of our clients with full understanding of our high responsibility. We are proud of our investment in research and development of new packaging products developing of new packaging products for this industry, from manual machines, machines with operaror, to fully automated packaging machines that combine reliable electronics, integrated software, and the ability for self- diagnostics. so as to provide fast and reliable performance.